Hi everyone, cherish every moment and don't forget to follow my blog, i will follow back ^^

Friday 7 June 2019

Langadku - Fabian William

Kopisanangan kumaa toinsanan id minambasa blog ku. Alansan oku olidas ngawi dikoyu do baino. Amen..

Baino nopo mononuat oku kokomoi do iso sinding i Fabian William kiuhu do "Langadku". 

Sinding diti nopo nga iso do sinding di korohian ku tu poinralom tomod do rati dau. Nunu kaka rati di poinralom tomod di? 

Mantad pomusarahan ku, sinding diti nopo popokito lisi sosogulun kumaa koupusan dau. Langad om tupus sosogulun diti au milo do boroson om nogi olimon tu tikid tadau kosorou nopo yau kumaa koupusan dau. Miagal nogi dati ki.. Nung langadon tokou kumaa koupusan okon nopo sumandak toi ko tanakwagu tokou nga kumaa komolohingan nogi langad diti popokito do lisi tokou kumaa diolo.

*Nokuro tu monuat oku do boros Dusun? "Atagak nopo boros, atagak nogi tinaru". Mantad di, mumbal oku no do monuat boros Dusun hiti id blog ku. Nung haro kasalaan id boros om ayat tudukai oku no.

" Langadku "


Hiri-iri no do baino. 
Koruba tokou kawagu suab ^^

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Do the important thing first

Hello everyone.

As i grew older, i tend to stress to much. I had to do many things in one time. I had to think which one i should do first. Eventhough, i'm doing what i need to do but at the end of the day i'm feeling stressful. I can't finish the work the way i need it. Why? because when i do the works my mind also thinking another matter and boom the stuff i'm working on not good enough.

Actually, i always look for tips to improve my work. And thankfully today i saw a video at youtube about "How to control your mind". This video tell us to focus on important thing. I always said to myself that i'm to busy with many things, but Dandapani tell that it's our choice. It our choice to make our day more busier or more effective.

So, today i want to tell to myself that i don't need to be stress much about work that i'm not finishing yet. Do the work that important first and leave other thing that not so important in another time. We live in this world not to stress our life for things that can be done by ourself. We live in this world not only get a good outcome from our work but to live happily, do good to other and most importantly praise and thank God always.

When u need to do something, make sure ur other important thing already done. If not do the important thing first and then other thing. Discipline is so important. If in this time ur want to do the stuff do it. Don't ever tangguhkan kerja tersebut. If kerja tersebut ditangguhkan disanalah muncul segala stress, anxiety and other penyakit lainnya. 

Btw, that all for today. I hope everyone will do their best on life. Sebelum mengundurkan diri, saya nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI kepada semua rakan muslim di luar sana.

Byee. See u soon.

                                                            *Cr to yt 'Be Inspired'* 

Monday 3 June 2019


Hello readers.

First of all, thank be to God that we still alive in this beautiful world. May this day brings us happiness and great news. And hopefully everyone fine and healthy.

Actually, semenjak dua menjak ini i selalu tidur berlebihan. Mungkin sebab cuti semester kot tidur pun dekat pagi dah, bangun pun nak dekat tengahhari. But, actually the real reason why pola i berubah sebabnya i tiada disiplin yang tinggi dari segi masa. I nak juga tidur awal and bangun awal but 5 letters MALAS limit my activities. 

And sekarang dah 2.51 pagi, i still tak tidur lagi (and that why i'm here). Kerja tukar buat malam, siang hari tak tau buat apa. Hmm.. 

Kalau boleh nak juga ubah pola hidup i. Macam sia-sia masa terbuang begitu je tak di isi dengan aktiviti yang berfaedah, menarik hati.

So I will challenge myself to change my lifestyle sepanjang cuti semester ni (kalau boleh start nak start esok). 

Lifestyle apa tu nak di tukar??
- Bangun seawal jam 5 pagi (pray to God)
- Tidur seawal jam 11 malam
- Jam 5.50-7.30 pagi tak boleh pegang hp (reading time)
- After breakfast, kemaskan tempat belajar and then take a bath
- Siapkan kerja yang perlu DISIAPKAN
- Senaman (30 minit)
- Start jam 8.30-10.30 cannot use hp (time to study)
- Before sleep pray to God.

Banyakkan yang nak di tukar. Harap semuanya dapat dijalankan dengan jayanya.

Thats all for today.

Inspiration. Cr to owner :