Hi everyone, cherish every moment and don't forget to follow my blog, i will follow back ^^

Wednesday 10 November 2021

I failed my interview with SPP

Lately i'm feeling anxious about my life. It's because i'm still jobless and the interview with SPP don't go well. Last week i received the result (phase 1) for my interview with SPP and i'm not lucky enough because i failed but it's alright maybe not my rezeki yet to be a teacher.

Actually, one of my wishes this year is to get an occupation as a teacher but because i failed i just hope before the end of the year i will get any other job. I'm afraid my academic will affect the interview session (because of my education background as a ISMP graduate) but i hope it not become an issue to employer out there. I will definitely do my best working in any work i get.

Well, i fail the interview with SPP but my loan with PTPTN is "lunas" already @ im not paying a single cent because i apply to convert the loan to biasiswa as i got first class on degree. I'm happy because one of my wishes come true even though i failed the interview to be a teacher. I'm free from PTPTN loan!!

Lastly, i hope my anxious will fade away "seiring waktu berjalan". I thanks to God for this incredible life. May my life and my family life will be blessing with happiness and a good health always.


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