Hi everyone, cherish every moment and don't forget to follow my blog, i will follow back ^^

Tuesday, 19 March 2019


Hello readers.

03.40am and yet I can't sleep. So I will blame the coffee for making me like this. Nasiblah esok kelas jam12, boleh bangun lambat sikit.

Baiklah hari ini, I will write about..


Believe atau percaya satu kata yang perlu kita pegang dalam diri kita. Percaya kepada siapa? 

Pertama, GOD. Trust ur life in God hands. No matter how down u're never ever not believe the power of God. Believe God will always there for you. Believe God will always guide your life. Believe God never gives u satu dugaan yang melebihi kemampuan diri kita. Percaya akan kekuasaannya

Second, myself/urself. Kenapa? Kerana kalau bukan kita sendiri yang percaya dengan kekuatan,kebaikan kita, siapa lagi? Believe urself that u can do everything u wanna do. Believe that u're the best. Believe that u will always do good deed to other. Believe that everything gonna fine. So believe in urself

So based on believe topic today I hope that u'll will learn something new. 

'First of all start to believe urself'

Anything is possible 💪

See u tomorrow
👋 👋 👋 

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