Hi hello everyone.
Today I will talk about 7 keys to a positive personality by Philip Andrew.
1) Positive self-talk
- Key number 1 mean that we must speak to ourself positively. We must control our inner dialogue and use affirmations, positive statement, etc.
I can do it, I like myself etc.
2) Positive visualization
- Second key is the ability to visualize and to see your goals as already accomplish. We must create a clear exciting picture of our goal and ideal life and replay this picture on the screen of our mind over and over again.
3) Positive people
- The third key are our choice of people with whom we live and work and associated. Avoid negative people at all cost and choose positive people.
4) Positive mental food
- Feed our mind with information and ideas that uplifting and make us feel happy and more confident about ourself and our world. Read book, magazines and articles that educational, inspirational and motivational.
5) Positive training and development
- Dedicated ourself to learning and growing and becoming better and more effective in our thoughts and actions.
6) Positive health habits
- Take excellent care of our physical health. The ways we do is to eat excellent foods, healthy and nutritious. Other that that, excellent diet will have an immediate positive effect on our thoughts and feelings.
7) Positive expectations
- Since we can control our expectations, we should always expect the best.
For more detail you can also reads this book.
Thank you. And see you soonπ